Honors and Awards NCSA Receives Honors in 2022 HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards NCSA takes top honors in three different award categories announced at Supercomputing Conference 2022. November 15, 2022
Thought Leadership NCSA Executive Associate Director of Engagement John Towns Presents Keynote Address at PEARC22 Project leader attributes XSEDE success, in part, to community-building July 25, 2022
Research NCSA Researchers Use XSEDE to Accelerate Star Merger Simulations A team from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) used artificial intelligence on XSEDE systems to obtain a correction factor for merger simulations. June 30, 2020
Research A New Way of Designing Global Satellite Missions A Cornell University researcher taps work he did using NCSA’s Blue Waters supercomputer to fix a problem that’s puzzled researchers for nearly 40 years. June 26, 2020